Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What am I thinking/feeling Wednesday by just 5 pictures and answers to last picture post

Answers from last picture post (long time ago - sorry) which you can see here are
1. I was thinking about free pancake day which must have been around the time I did that post. I do love pancakes!
2. I was thinking about how I wanted to see Valentines Day the movie and probably how I wanted a valentine.
3. I was thinking about crab that i had eaten at my moms house that was wonderful. Thanks for sharing! (Cindy we love old bay too!)
4. I was thinking about how i wanted it to be spring - will probably see a picture relating to that every week until it is finally spring. CINDY YOU WERE RIGHT - I do want icecream with a friend.

5. I was thinking about the most awesome song a guy sang to me, Hotel California.

Now for this week.


What am I thinking about?


  1. 1. You are moving and are not looking forward to all the cardboard you will be seeing for a while,

    2.You Love your Mom and of course the Berenstain bears ;)

    3. You are thinking those are some pretty awesome straw glasses and you would like a pair to share with someone special

    4. Um....No explanation except that those are the BEST girl scout cookies in the world

    5.You are thinking Yoga seems like a good exercise right now. :)

    Have a happy week!

  2. 1. You were dreading the move to new apartment but now glad its over.
    2. While packing you found an old Bernstain Bears library book that you never returned.
    3. You are glad not to wearing glasses.
    4. You realized that you bought too many GS cookies and will lose the weight loss challenge.
    5. You think that you should return that mans hood ornament before he reports you. :)
