Monday, April 19, 2010

Movie Monday - yes mostly comedies, specifically romantic comedies

In What movie...

It is your job to guess what movie I am describing. Some of them are pretty hard, I will be REALLY impressed if somebody guess them. I am POSITIVE I made atleast 1 mistake so try not to get too mad. I worked really hard on this. :o)


1. Does a woman cry by the window because her adopted dad and pet fish die (the same day) ?

2. Does an adult pretend to pee his pants to help a child not feel so self conscious?

3. Does a man wake up in a church filled with brides ready to marry him?

4. Does Bob Barker get into a fight with Adam Sandler?

5. Does a man throw a whole salt shaker over his left shoulder rather than just some salt, to make up for spilling the salt shaker?

6. Does a teenager make his parents believe he is sick by licking his hands to make them clammy?

7. Does a teenager say a hickey is like a hallmark card (if given by him)?

8. Does a silly man say “No, no, don't speak--for some moments in life there are no words”

9. Does a boy throw money up in the air because he is now rich, really rich!

10. Does a son say “Goodness (but profane) dad’s name, It’s a wonder I was even born”?

11. Does a seven foot tall little boy play the guitar from the Las Vegas Hard Rock Café?

12. Is a boy smaller than a cheerio because his science freak dad made him tiny?

13. Does a child drive his neighbor turned babysitter bonkers?

14. Does a writer for a fashion magazine write a how to article based on her pathetic friends life and bad dating history?

15. Does a High School Math teacher pulls up her sweater after spilling on it (because a not so nice girl runs into her) and then exposes her chest covered only by a bra?

16. Does a girl applying for a job fudge her resume and say she is fluent in Finnish then get introduced to someone who does speak Finnish and slaps them in the face and tells her co-workers he said something inappropriate?

17. Does a boy who is stealing the answers to a test, say he smokes because it is something to do?

18. Does a man complain because he has to read the word hippopotamus after a young boy read the words Electricity, Constitution, and Philadelphia?

19. Does a soon to be mother forget to wash a purple shirt for her soon to be daughter to wear on purple shirt day?

20. Does a young woman win the royal courts approval and marry the man next in line to be king of Denmark?

21. Does a young girl, after having a horrible birthday party which ends terribly wish she could be older and flirty and thriving ?

22. Does a Baltimore street dancer become partners with a Maryland School of Arts senior and then dances with her for her senior project after vandalizing the school?

23. Does a gay man asks a woman When you kissed the (guy you love) did he kiss you back? and she responded by saying What do you mean? We were lip to lip. ?

24. Does a grandma instruct somebody not to let the dog out or the eagles will snatch it.

25. Does a man meeting the family of a single mother he is interested in unknowingly dish up WAY too many peas?

26. Does a single father say "my first day as a woman and I am already having hot flashes."?

27. Does a hitman manager say "tempting but I don't get out of bed for less than half a million dollars"

28. Does a has been music star say, "Sleeping with a clown above my bed?"

29. Does a dyslexic brother say "I tried to wake her up. I poked her and everything. "

30. Does an old wheelchair bound man teaches men to play a sport by using tools.

31. Does a dancing man love a brush (that has a name) more than a human baby and tells his roomamte that he cannot even look at the brush?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to you!

Today is someone's birthday! This is a very special someone. They are a person who wears many hats. The hats being mom, teacher, church leader, missionary, follower of Christ, grandma (quite amazing one too I think) , daughter, wife, cook, seamstress, clothes launderer (okay that one is just for me, but hey she is a really good clothes washer) , pet caretaker (not a very good one evidently, my fish died in her care) :( - She is also a baseball lover, scorekeeper, american idol fan, lover of I love Lucy, Likes gardening (which is yucky in my opinion), she loves blue, Likes all things healthy, She eats healthy and trys to get me to be healthier. She is an accountant that does my taxes, I have not fired her yet, but she does do them for FREE. She is an amazing example in every sense of the word. She is an example of faith and hope, example of obedient, example of forgiveness (never met a person who forgives as easily as she does), she is patient and understanding, she has always had the motto peace at any price, which I think beacuase of me and my lack of peace caused her alot of grief. She sacrifices so much for me.

Incase you have not thought of who this person (the birhtday girl) is it is my Mom. I have the best mom ever! She is my best friend and I have tons of fun with her, whether we are cooking dinner, playing games, shopping (I love to shop with her) or moving my furniture (for the 3rd time in 3 years)

She is loved by so many including her kids

and by her almost (1 still in the oven, until May) 14 grankids

as I mentioned earlier she is super patient as evident in this picture; she lets her husband, Virgil, go fishing way more than he deserves to, or any man in their right mind should. Just kidding daddy I love you. I bet he will admit that she is pretty darn nice to him too.

Well I am not sure what else I can see.

I love you mon! You are amazing! Hope you have a happy birthday!

please note that i did not say how young this lady is.
here she is hula hooping!

Hope you have a great birthday!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Who really cares what I think on Wednesdays, are any other day for that matter?!?

I have not done my Wednesday post FOREVER to read the last one and thus see the pictures which I will be talking about and see if you (both of you) were right click here .

The answers from March 24th pictures are thus:
1. I think I was excited because I got a 20 cent per hour raise. So Heather was right! :o)
2. I was super pumped for Disneyland, I had not gone yet Susan, but now I want to go back =)
3. Susan was right I LOVE watching dancing with the stars, I dont just like it Heather. I am not sure who is my favorite this season, probably Erin Andrews.
4. Heather is right, i really like Ellen. I watch videos on her website all the time. To check out her website click here.
5. Heather was right I do love Beauty and the Beast but that is not all. I want a guy that looks like the Beast - not in the end, in the beginning. HAHA! :X

here is some tidbits into what I have been thinking about this week:


Tell me what you think I am thinking about! Lets see if you are right, next week that is. :O]

Friday, April 9, 2010

Funny Friday

Need a good laugh?? Watch this! It starts out slow but gets better.