Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yesterday was such a great day. I had a super great surprise that made my day! My first companion in the mission, Sister Rogers was in town and had just attended the Salt Lake Temple and parked at the Conference Center. She had remembered that I worked there and so she came in to see if she could find me. I was sitting at my desk (back faced towards the door) when I heard the door open I looked in my mirror to see if it was someone that needed help. I did not recognize it as being her but turned around to see if the person needed help. I then recognized her and started screaming because I was so surprised and happy to see her. I only got to chat with her and Steve for a few minutes but it was SO GR8 to see them. I really need to make a trip to Arizona to visit them.

Here are some pictures I stole from Megan of us together on the mission:

My first transfer I was in a three-some. I came mid transfer and was given the BEST TWO SISTERS IN THE MISSION to be my companions! (President Cannon told me that - which I believe is true) Sister Yu (on the right) is from Taiwan, she went home at the end of the transfer. She was amazing and I learned alot from her. I was so glad when the Mission President let me stay another two transfers in that area with Sister Rogers. I consider her to be my mission mom because she taught me everything I knew.

She made missionary work fun! We had SO much fun (made up a dance to do on a video for our families, studied hard, worked hard, taught crazy people, took a ton of fun pictures, worked alot with less active members, made visuals to teach lessons to children, did lots of service, she helped me with certification (memorizing scriptures) witnessed a family come unto Christ as mother and son were baptized, lots of fun) After I left Savage Mill area I was transferred to an area where missionary work was no longer, I no longer had a companion that I knew loved me and wanted me to succeed. I missed Sister Rogers so much! It took me a while to kick back in gear and realize that missionary work was fun and that I could be happy doing it.

Seriously this woman taught me so much about missionary work, the value of knocking, the importance to work through members, the importance of being happy, the need for meaningful prayer, the absolute necessity it is to have the Spirit. She was an amazing missionary, teacher, friend, mission mom and companion. She was my favorite companion my entire mission.

Here is a picture of us in my first district

The elders in the picture are (L-R) Valdez, Carpenter, Cassidy, ?, Mortensen, Allen, Wood, ?,Patterson.

Sister Rogers and I were comps from Jan 26-May 25. (I am pretty sure on the dates, but could be wrong) We spent Easter together. I still remember how fun it was; we went to a part member family's home for dinner (they did an easter egg hunt for us), ate a ton of candy, rolled eggs down the hill and made our lips blue as you can see here.

Love you Sissy Rogers!


  1. That's awesome you were able to see her. One of my companions lived in Brigham City but we never hung out because we didn't care too much for each other. The ones I loved were the latin elders which makes it tough to visit them. My one son (that I trained) Elder Milligan does live in Kansas so maybe I will see him someday.

  2. Sister Rogers was an answer to a prayer - prayed you would have a great companion. I'm glad I met her at President Cannon's homecoming.
