I want to express my appreciation for my country today since it is Veterans day. I am so proud to be American. I am thankful to live in a free country where I can worship how I choose, educate myself, and have the ability to vote. The are such a privilege, and many people around the world do not share these same privileges. How thankful I am for my freedom and my rights.
I remember going to Freedom Friday when I was in first grade. I don't remember why we had it but I remember one of my friends dads was in the military and during the program we ( the kids of the school district) sang patriotic songs. This song
"I'm proud to be an American" is one of the songs that we sang and I always think of that day when I hear it. I wish I had the video of that day to share with you.
I am grateful for the men and women who sacrifice so much, even their own lives, so that we can have these freedoms.